I used this journey one night when I had trouble sleeping. Moving backwards in time and being held in the protective and loving embrace of every mother before gave me the gift of sweet sleep. Reflecting on the journey afterwards, a visual of the matryoshka doll emerged.

like butterfly wings that gently gather

then flutter to dust off the tenacious detail and pricks of the day

i fold into myself

then curl me inside the wings of the mother to release

to the dream of assurance, compassion, and peace

i am held in this refuge by mother

when next i see the arms of the one who birthed her

circle and embrace my holder, my mother

then the one who comes even before her swaddles us both

followed by cradler nested in the grand mother before

and she who is held

inside the arms of Mother Heartbeat holds her daughters against her great body

we are embraced, we all

seraph embraces angel tied to butterfly, wound to womb

then Grandmother Wisdom emerges to enclose we all

in protection, understanding and infinite love

mother womb inside mother womb

all down the lineage we are held, one another inside ourselves

and she, Great Grandmother Sky

is held in the heart of our Great Cosmic Mother

and within all these mothers’ arms i am attached

we are invisibly connected

in indivisible

sacred embrace

leaving me to float in Mother Moon’s halo

of grand sleeping dreams

MoonPath by Diane Lee Moomey. See more of her incredible art at http://dianeleemoomeyart.com/

MoonPath by Diane Lee Moomey. See more of her incredible art at http://dianeleemoomeyart.com/